Tashkent Vino has been built on the instruction of the Grand Duke Alexander II Romanov in 1867 and can look back to a history of 146 years.
Known as the Grand Duke Alexander II, Romanov had a passion for Central Asia and for this reason he explored this area with great interest to carry fair-a major contribution to economic and cultural development.
Possessing a formula of "Imperial Russian Diamond Vodka" was a unique heritage. The particularly clear mountain water which gave a special structure and animating force to Ice Diamond "Premium" Vodka.
More than a century ago, the imperial recipe Ice Diamond "Premium" Vodka was created by Grand Duke Nicholas II Romanov (grandson of Grand Duke Alexander II Romanov) and then for the first time produced by "Governor-General of Tashkent - Artel Pervushina" in 1894.
Company Profile:
Company Name:
Ice Diamond Premium Vodka
Legal Form:
Professsional Association (Manufacturer,Trading Company,Exporter)